Sunday, April 13, 2008

Drop-In Centre

Here are some pictures taken a couple of weeks ago of the work in progress at the Drop-In Centre. The walls of the different rooms are now going up. Fidel has managed to save thousands of pounds by using different people to complete the work and finding cheaper materials in different places. We are always eager to be the best stewards possible of the money God provides through His people. Praise God!

The group from the government group that work with street kids visited the Drop-In Centre last Wednesday. It was a really good time. Alex cooked a whole sheep in the newly built barbeque! It looks like the Proyecto MEFI team will be able to join the government group with their training events. Most training events have a minimum number and so the joining of the two teams will be mutually beneficial.

The team have decided to focus on going to the streets to build up contacts again while we are away on Home Missionary Assignment (deputation). It is important to keep visiting the streets if we want to maintain the function of the Drop-In Centre in the future. When we get back to Mexico the work in the Centre will be stepped up again as the new or re-established contacts are invited in. Please keep praying for the safety of the team and that they would quickly gain the confidence of the kids they meet. Pray for wisdom about what groups they should visit and then which one (or two) they should invite to the Drop-In Centre for follow-up. It's exciting to see the change that God can make in a life from the first point of contact on the streets to gaining confidence in the Drop-In Centre and seeing these kids make the transition to life off the streets. Though it is an incredibly difficult process God is faithful and powerful!

Recently we were reminded of the difficulty and length of the process when two of the guys had a fight at the Drop-In Centre. We have called the guys Hector and José in the past (not their real names). Hector was the one who was attending seminary classes on Saturdays and had to leave the City when he got mixed up in some dodgy activity. He was able to come back to the City and though he was beaten up he is now fine again. José is the guy who recently became a Dad. Both guys have been working in the Drop-In Centre and have great potential for leadership. The fight was serious enough to see them banned from the Centre for 2 weeks, some of their privileges were taken away and this week the team will decide what the next step is based on their attitude and actions since they were banned. Pray for these guys. It is a long process but we are confident that with our prayers, continued love and their commitment to Him they will change and become great workers in the ministry.

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