Sunday, January 13, 2008

A Surprise!

What a lovely surprise was organised at church today. After the service there is usually something to eat. Today it was tacos of all different sorts which were prepared by ladies in the church. It was slightly different though in that there were baby decorations on the walls and a table of presents. It was slightly overwhelming. We are always blown over by how much the people here appreciate our presence and demonstrate their love.

Of course I had to open all of the presents and as I did I had to guess who had given each one. If I got it right I got to draw a freckle or moustache on that person's face but if I got it wrong the giver was allowed to mark my face. I got the most marks!

It was overwhelming because many of the people who go to our church live on very little. Some of the presents were wrapped in Christmas paper! It's so humbling to experience people give so sacrificially.

And so the birth of our second baby draws ever closer. This week we have stepped up the preparations. Clothes and blankets have been washed, some meals have been prepared for the freezer (and I am so grateful to the missionary ladies who are helping with that too!), we have been investigating the paperwork and other bits and pieces. I have another doctor's appointment this week and hopefully by next week we will pretty much be ready. We're so grateful to the MacKinnons who were careful to document their experience of having baby Amelia here and are able to keep us right. We have been trying to get in contact with a lady who helped them get Amelia's Mexican birth certificate. It seems that that could be the complicated part but that once we have that getting the Mexican passport and then registering the birth with the British Embassy and getting the British passport should be fairly straightforward. Please keep praying that that proves to be the case and that we will be able to get in touch with this lady (or someone else who can help).

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