Sunday, January 27, 2008


We mentioned that some of the people on the team last week had been here before working on the Drop-In Centre. On one of the previous occasions a street kid had worked really hard alongside the team. Afterwards he went into rehab but like so many he left and we hadn't seen him since. On the last team's first day of work this kid turned up at the door. He had no idea the team would be there, much less some of the people to whom he had endeared himself. Along with Andrew they were able to talk to him and be firm about the bad choice he was making to stay on the streets. Andrew felt that the kid wasn't really ready even yet to leave the streets. He was listening but from his responses it seemed that he had already lost the battle in his head.

During this past week he turned up at the Centre again. This time the director of a rehab centre with whom we have been establishing a good relationship was visiting. Again this kid was confronted with the decision between life and death and given a lot to think about. Please pray for him. God is obviously chasing him. We'll call him Marcos.

Interestingly when the group were here they visited a couple of street groups. One of the groups close to the Drop-In Centre was depleted in numbers. When Andrew asked where the others were they said that Proyecto MEFI had taken half their group off to rehab. They are at the centre of the guy who we have established links with! What a great reason to have less kids!

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