Saturday, December 22, 2007

Weekly Report

Not too much to report this week. It seems we are all back to good health again. Tabitha was back down to just needing one sleep again yesterday. There was one day this week where she had 3 naps - she could only last 2 hours awake at a time! She's still taking medicine for a cough but she's pretty much there. I've tried not to push her too hard this week and consequently have spent quite a bit of time in the house which has it's benefits and it's frustrations!

There was a Christmas party at the Drop-In Centre for the regular attenders on Monday. It was a fairly low key event. One of the kids was in tears as he told Andrew that he depended on the Drop-In Centre and he didn't care what people thought of him for going, he would always be there and needed it. He wasn't sure what he was going to do for 2 weeks without it. He also says that he loves the devotional times. It's difficult but the team really need the rest. Please pray for the kids who are still on the streets. Pray that continuity would not be lost with them and that they will realise the value of the Drop-In Centre and the message they are constantly hearing there. Pray too for the team. Pray that they will be able to have a good rest over Christmas and enjoy time with their families.

Andrew left on Wednesday night for Acapulco. Tabitha, who never usually wakes during the night, came into our room about 4 times before finally asking for 'cuzzles' (cuddles) and 'hog-waw' (jugo - juice) and eventually settling some time after midnight! Praise God all the cars arrived safely around 5.45am on Thursday morning. At time of writing they are on their way home. It seems to have been a really great time with a big spiritual impact. A couple of the kids are in our Sunday School group so hopefully it will lead to even more openness in the class. Pray that the impact of the weekend will remain and that people will act upon the things they learned and were challenged about. This was the first retreat for the youth of the church.

While Andrew was away I was busy at home with various things to get done before Christmas and I was blessed with the company of our missionary family, especially Margaret and Robin. I think Tabitha enjoyed the variety of interaction as much as I did and I certainly appreciated the adult conversation! We are so blessed to be on such a great team. May God keep us united. We certainly feel like part of a family here.

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