Sunday, December 02, 2007

Our health

We continue to keep good health. Thanks for your prayers. Last Friday I went to see an allergy doctor with Tabitha. She has some sort of reaction that brings her up in hives. When we took her off the antihistamines the hives came back. Apart from making her look bad they didn't seem to affect her any other way. They didn't itch and they didn't seem to annoy her.

The doctor has recommended that we do a blood test for the most common allergens here in Mexico. If that shows nothing then he recommends that we just keep giving the antihistamine medicine and hope the the problem corrects itself. He says that when the cause of the allergy is not obvious it is only found through further testing in about 15% of cases and would probably be a waste of money for us, especially as it doesn't seem to be affecting her physically.

Interestingly she hasn't had medicine since Friday and the spots haven't reappeared so we'll see what happens this week. Perhaps she won't need the tests at this point after all.

Andrew and I have also been well. I did take the cold but unlike Andrew and Tabitha I didn't have the weakness and exhaustion (in Andrew's case) or a high temperature (in Tabitha's case) afterwards. We praise God for our health and thank you again for your prayers.

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