Sunday, June 14, 2009

Spring Cleaning

Some missionary friends recently ran a bath and were surprised to find little worms in the water. Subsequently they found out that the water tanks should be cleaned at least once a year. Hmmm... we have lived in our house for over 2 years now and have never cleaned our tank... who knows how long before that it was last cleaned. So we felt it was high time to get it done.

I picked up Juan, a man brave enough and crazy enough to take on the task. He found the water tank (no clue had we of it's location) and opened the lid. His look said it all - we really needed this done! So we got to work emptying the tank. Not a small job as you can see from the depth...
... we could have a group of street kids living down in there!
So I watered the incredibly thirsty lawns and then thought about handing the hose over to our neighbours to water their lawn but instead the house got a clean down with the power hose Juan brought with him. One tank clean it was time to go to the roof and look into the cistern. Dirty too... and were those eggs in the water?!
This tank's not quite so big but thanks to Juan we have clean water...and a clean house. Now we're taking the de-bugging pills and hopefully we'll soon be fighting fit again.

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