Saturday, July 29, 2017

Hasta la vista MEFI

It has been a time never to forget. Kids who are feared on the streets became kids who looked after our family and played with Tabitha, Oscar and Zara. Kids who didn't need to bother with us, allowed us to be part of the MEFI family.

They are never to be taken advantage of, and we didn't want to ever take close up pics, BUT, as family, many wanted to have a photo taken with us, and so, just as a little example, here is a kid who loved to make our kids laugh, and who our kids loved to be around.

It's very Mexican to not smile, although we'll always remember him for his laugh and jokey nature.

Friday was the street kid church service, and Heather shared some of her life story and why she became a Christian. It was especially interesting for the kids to hear about how her Dad had lived on the streets in his younger days, but how he found hope in Jesus.

Thankfully Carol translated. She's so much better at switching between languages than I ever was.

Then it was time for the Agnews to do their Von Trapp time and share a song, and after some group singing, for me to preach for the last time here. I shared about a Parable that Jesus told from Luke 14. It's about a Master who has a feast and invites people to come who end up making excuses not to attend. This Master then sends his servants out in the streets to bring in the poor and disabled. Even as there is more room, the servants are sent to bring people in so that the banquet is full. It's an amazing story that teaches that God wants His Heaven full, and everyone is invited, you and me. A terrific thing for these kids to hear.

As we say 'hasta luego' to the drop in centre, memories will be of the singing. Not as tuneful as you might like, but full of passion. The food, corn tortillas, the pool game and the table football that we bought about 10 years from a donor, and is still going strong. The bible studies, when kids asked questions not to be difficult, but genuinely because they wanted to know more about the God of the Bible. The prayers every meal time for other street kids, people in hospitals and prisons.

MEFI is one special ministry, which provides a family for those who have run away from their own. A safe place for those who sleep rough. Hope for those who for the most part have given up. Praise God for this team, and place. We will truly miss you.

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