Tuesday, March 28, 2017

The COST of Missions

We are sorting out our clinical records! When you have moved a little when the kids were little, not only do you have 2 languages to wade through looking for translations of different injections that the older kids have had, never mind making sure that we have the dates for these, there are other little injections that have been thrown in cross culturally, things that are important in Mexico that kids in our country would never have needed to have been given.

So we went to a great place called Healthlink 360, where we went before as missionaries with OMS to see what we need. Great place btw. They had a look through what the kids have had, what we have had and in trying to save us some money, have sent us off to our own GP to get the ones we should be able to get on the NHS.

So our poor kids have to have injections that they wouldn't normally need, only that we are heading to a country where they could be at risk of some life threatening illnesses. We forgot about that part as we were praying about going. So, none today, but they are coming!!!!

The little talked about but large (in the eyes of children) COST of missions.

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