Sunday, January 17, 2010

On the move again

Just one more deputation service in N. Ireland!! This week is moving week so it seems there are boxes and suitcases everywhere and a large supply of parcel tape. As our stuff will be taken over next Monday we decided to leave travelling until Friday as it will mean we don't have to pack as much into our car and Tabitha won't have to wait as long for a bed to arrive...

It's hard to believe it has come around already and while we are excited about moving into the next phase there are some more difficult goodbyes to say before we leave. The great thing is that it is much more realistic to expect visitors than it was when we were in Mexico. We just need to sell our house and buy our own place first and continue to appreciate your prayers for that. In the meantime we will be staying with a friend in Edinburgh indefinitely.

In our human wisdom we would love to have already sold and be moving into our own place in the village where we will be working and eventually living. Like most people we want to feel settled and not move into another transition phase. But we have no doubt that God is continuing to sort out all the details and in His time all thinks will work out just right and perhaps make more sense to us as well. We are remarkably peaceful about that.

Thank you for your prayers and support as we move and begin our new ministry.

1 comment:

Tammy Real-McKeighan said...

How wonderful that you are serving the Lord!
I didn't know about OMS until I saw your blog! Planting churches is a great mission!
May God bless you richly in the days ahead. Some people who live in my Nebraska town worked with YWAM at a place for teens in Northern Ireland for 10 years!
Bless you for your work for the Lord. Please feel free to visit my site at I have a blog there and examples of Christ-centered columns I've written for our newspaper.
