Sunday, September 06, 2009

Ministry @ home

A few months ago we were blessed with the visit of a ladies' ministry team from the US. It was a particular privilege for Robin MacKinnon and I to sneak some time with a MOPS mentor mum. Amidst all the great advice she talked about the blessing as mums of being able to minster from our kitchen table. Admittedly it is difficult at times to get too involved in ministry outside the home. The work seems unending never mind fitting in with different sleep routines and over here the time it takes to get anywhere.

Well, Saturday was definitely a home ministry day. We started off with the MOPS La Loma leadership team. Between the four mums we had 9 kids. While the kids played I gave a pizza class. We hope that the girls will be able to raise some money to help support MOPS after we leave. The pastor has also told them that the church will be able to help financially.
The pizza passed the first test - our kids. Now we need buy-in from a few others...
After lunch we had a big planning session. We plan to start this Thursday and I will be giving the talk I didn't give last term. Of course we would appreciate your prayers if God brings it to your mind. I will be helping to organise the speakers up until Christmas. There is a huge need for help with MOPPETS, the kids' group. The girl who leads at the moment is involved in church planting and may have a house church opening up on Thursday mornings. In any case we really need a team of people to help there. Please pray.

On Saturday evening it was a lot of fun to have Joe and his host family come over for dinner. Margaret and Robin have also been staying with us while they look for a house. As the house empties of furniture, toys and nick-naks it is great to fill it up with friends and laughter.

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