Sunday, August 23, 2009


What a week!! In order to prevent last minute craziness and at our neighbours' request we have been sorting out things that we don't need. The first stage of the process is to figure out what we can take. That is not a pleasant experience. We put what we would love to take home into our bedroom and began to pack cases. It quickly became obvious that sacrifices would have to be made. Our baggage allowance is 7 cases and some friends (you may remember Gary who worked with MEFI) who are visiting confirmed that they could take another bag for us.

It may sound like a lot but it's surprising how little fits in a suitcase, especially when you have a lot of books to transport. In the middle of all the turmoil I was speaking with my parents who were wondering if it would be helpful to have mum meet us at Newark airport. Well now that was attractive. Lifting 7 bags from one belt and placing them onto another and then crossing the airport with 3 pieces of hand luggage, a car seat, a stroller and 2 small kids isn't something we were relishing.

Then on Tuesday our missionary friends Leroy and Kay mentioned that they were planning to travel up to Newark the day before. Well, to end this long story it now happens that Leroy and Kay will be travelling with us and my brother will meet us at Newark airport. We are so overwhelmed at people's generosity and how God has worked it all out so amazingly. Not only do we get some extra luggage allowance as a result but we also have travelling companions which is going to be a lot more fun. God once again has shown us how He loves to bless us and has taught us not to be concerned, He knows what we need.

By the end of the week Oscar was also moved into our bedroom and his bedroom has been converted into a second hand shop. As well as getting rid of stuff to people who will be able to use it, it has been lovely to be able to spend some more time with friends and neighbours. We've had a busy house for a few days!

We probably have one more month here in our house before we move up to the seminary for the last few weeks when we hope to be able to have plenty of time to adequately say goodbye to our friends here. Transition is never easy and I expect we shall get tired of it all pretty soon. We appreciate your prayers particularly for the kids who aren't completely aware of what is going on. The move is still a long way away for them but the changes are already very obvious.

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