Sunday, May 31, 2009

We're back

It's hard to believe we've been back for nearly a week. We left on Monday morning. It was a relief to know that it would just be one flight that day. We had a one night lay-over in Newark. Some great friends from our Scotland days now live not far from Newark and we were more than excited to be able to see them again. We only wish we could have hung out for at least another couple of weeks!

There are some friends from whom you can be separated and when you meet up again it's like as if you had never been apart. Getting together with Jodi and Trevor was just like that. The biggest evidence of the time passed since we were last together was the increased number of kids - they have doubled in number!

The kids got on like they had known each other for ever and we had a lovely time catching up and enjoying the love and support of true friends.

The next day it was back to the airport for two flights to Mexico. Andrew had tried to reserve our places online the night before but for some reason it didn't work and we arrived to find that we were on standby for both flights! We got on the first but were separated. For the second we waited patiently to see if anyone would accept the offer of a free hotel and a travel voucher to free up space for us to get the flight. Thankfully someone did and we arrived into Mexico City and to the welcoming faces of Margaret and Robin on Tuesday evening.

The kids were fantastic on the plane. We got several comments from fellow passengers as to how well they had done. It's always a huge relief. Thank you for your prayers. Tabitha still keeps saying, "This is our house!" She seems happy to be back and has been playing with her neighbour friends. She even went into a class at church today. She has a memory verse to learn for next Spanish! Perhaps we'll get a video of that.

They are adjusting well to the time difference though they have been tired. On Friday Oscar impressively reminded us of old times (both kids had horrible reflux) by puking all over me and the floor of Costco! I think the tiredness was just catching up on him but he's in fine form again now.

We are so grateful for the chance we have had to rest and reflect. My health has definitely benefited and I feel much more normal again!

Here are some photos of our journey taken from the plane. The first is Greenland. What an incredible country!
Somewhere between Greenland and New York...
The volcanoes outside Mexico City and the outskirts in the foreground

1 comment:

Jim said...

Welcome home! Glad you made it back. :)