Thursday, July 24, 2008

Long Journey

Sorry for the lack of frequency in reports here. Things have been hectic as we get ready for going back to Mexico. We leave tomorrow (Friday) at 8am our time and should hopefully arrive almost 24 hours later. I should imagine a bed to lie out on will be very welcome!

If you remember us at any point throughout the day we would appreciate a little prayer! Pray for the kids in particular that they would be able to sleep, that the layover and connection in Newark would go smoothly and that Tabitha will not be sick!

We appreciate prayer too for our families as we say goodbye. We have been totally spoiled by friends and family. Our time at home has been such a blessing. It will be hard to say goodbye. We will write more very soon about what lies ahead in the next few weeks and what has been happening while we have been away from Mexico.

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