Sunday, June 15, 2008

Half Way

We have now spent 2 wonderful weeks in Scotland and are halfway through our trip to the UK. It has been so fabulous to spend time with fantastic friends. We are blessed beyond measure to be able to soak up so much love and support.

The kids are doing really well even with the moving around. It has been amazing to see Tabitha really settle down. She is full of confidence and happy to interact with anyone. She is loving time with other kids and as you may see from her blog she has had various visits with some kids. Consequently she goes over their names all the time. She has started to pray herself in the evenings and it just touches our hearts to hear her give Jesus thanks for individual people that she is meeting. Of course there are still obstacles to overcome and we have our struggles but generally she is responding positively to discipline and just such a joy to parent these days. We haven't had any travel sickness but most journeys are under 30 mins. Thank you for your prayers for her.

Oscar is doing well too. The appointment mentioned in the previous post showed that his weight was leveling out and he was not putting it on nearly as fast as he should have been. Consequently he has been weaned and a diet of soya milk and some basic solids seems to have helped. After 2 weeks his weight was beginning to rise again though he still brings up quite a lot at different times of the day. He continues to delight our hearts with his gorgeous smile which he shares from the moment he opens his eyes.

It has proven difficult to get in touch with folks in Mexico at appropriate times. We did get a brief conversation with our pastor's wife. She told us that the breakfast finished small in number due to holiday days. We pray that leaders will come back refreshed after a short break and that the Holiday Bible Club at the start of August will be a great platform for re-starting again.

Once again thank you for your interest and prayers. We are overwhelmed by the support of so many at home. We just can't get enough of spending time with folks and while we are tired (late nights are not rewarded with late mornings with kids to attend to!) we are refreshed by the love of friends and fellowship together.(an evening of fun and sharing with the youth from our church on Saturday evening. It is incredible to see these kids who are growing up far too fast. We taught some of them when they were little (wasn't that just and month or two ago?) Missionaries in Mexico will recognise the game we are playing here. Thanks Leroy for teaching us this one.)

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