Monday, April 30, 2007

More counselling

Once again this week I met up with Sandra and Paty. Alex and Andrew also met up with Beto. I felt I had a really good meeting. Thank you for your prayers - I really feel their power when I am chatting. I usually listen and wonder how I am going to respond and then as if from nowhere the whole situation seems to open up.

Like this week Sandra was talking once again about how she had told Beto she would leave him and he told her to go ahead, it didn't matter to him. We were able to establish that she still loves him and is in no way going to leave him soon (and she was able to realise that for herself). So then we told her she had two choices - leave him or stay with him. She knows the consequences of both choices and while we assured her of our love and support and our desire to see both her and Beto removed from these problems and giving and receiving love. We also reminded her there was a long way to go and a difficult road ahead.

Feeling that she will stay with Beto we told her that she must not continue to exasperate him by talking about separation. We are concentrating then on how she can love and support Beto and her kids and on her own spiritual growth.

Andrew and Alex also had a good meeting with Beto. There is no doubt that he has difficulties but he has a hunger for the Word of God. He was underlining passages and drinking everything in like a sponge. He was visibly calmed on hearing and studying the scriptures. The guys are focusing on Beto's spiritual relationship and how Beto can love and cherish Sandra.

Thanks again for your prayers for this situation.

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