Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Heart Breaking

We are getting to know a few people in La Loma. I mentioned one family that Andrew connected with in a previous blog. We found out that the husband is out from 7am - 11pm 5 days a week as well as being out for part of Saturday.

They have a 2 year old child.

This week the team from N. Ireland are working at the church and we hope to join them for part of the time. I asked the wife what she was up to this week, hoping that she could come along and we could get some good chat. She said she had been looking for work and had found a job and was starting the next day. The reason is that her husband is studying a lot and what he is earning isn't covering the expenses. She is helping by working. She hopes it will just be for a year.

I asked her what and where. It's basically secretarial work in the centre of the city (about 2 hours away in a bus for her). She will be gone from her son from 7am until 9pm...every day. If it breaks my heart to hear her say that imagine what she is feeling. Her response? If I can share Christ with people at work then it will be worth it! It doesn't mean it isn't hard for her. She wasn't looking forward to it. Pray for this young family. These will be difficult times for them.

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